Payments Trends

global payments news

Nov 15 Global payments news roundup

Here’s what we found noteworthy in the global payments news this week. Brightwell with NCR is growing its payments niche market with cruiseship crews. Google Bank? The tech ...
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Bigtech banks coming

Welcome to Google Bank?

It’s official. In 2020, Google will introduce checking accounts for its Google Pay customers in partnership initially with Citigroup and Stanford Federal Credit Union. Analysts expect the new ...
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global payments industry news

Nov 8 Global payments news roundup

Let’s dive right into this week’s global news roundup. First, a look at where robo-advisory investment services are going. Next, we open the door to insight into how ...
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global payments news roundup

Nov 1 Global payments news roundup

We’ve got payments news from around the globe to keep you informed about the latest industry developments. A new Jumpshot report highlights the top 25 e-commerce leaders, who’s ...
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36.5 million Americans own cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency now on the radar of 14% of US investors

With the value of bitcoin rising this year, cryptocurrency is back on the radar of US investors and consumers, even if the whipsaw in market values is likely ...
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Will cashless soon be king?

The pros and cons of cashless businesses

Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium is cashless We’ve all gone on wild goose chases looking for the nearest ATM after learning a local business only accepts cash. But now more ...
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global payments news

Oct 26 Global payments news roundup

Another week, another great global payments news roundup for you. Best Buy just threw down the free next-day holiday delivery gauntlet for its competitors. Kount and BlueSnap have ...
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international online shoppers

Partnership attacks two biggest barriers to US international e-commerce sales

With global e-commerce likely to reach a record of nearly $3.5 trillion in 2019, why are more US businesses not making bigger headway in growing their international e-commerce ...
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global payments news

Oct 18: Global payments news roundup

The global payments news is just about as busy as the impeachment proceedings in the US but we’ve got important payments news to share. Lightico research looks at ...
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Gen Z wants digital banking

Research: What Gen Z wants is not their father’s bank

Let’s start with what Gen Z and younger consumers want from their banks. They want digital, mobile, and instant banking services. In other words, not their dad’s bank. ...
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