Today’s newsletter highlights the opening day of bitcoin futures trading on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (Cboe). There was lots of interest. There were also outages and volatility. What more would you expect when crypto meets Wall Street?

We also take a look at the growing problems of cybersecurity and phishing as cryptocurrency values increase. Cybercriminals are getting more expert at using phishing attempts to hack cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, financial and personal information. Lots of valuable insight and research to keep you current.

What’s the future for bitcoin futures? had to expect something dramatic from the opening day of bitcoin futures trading on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (Cboe). Sure enough, eight minutes into trading, the website crashed due to heavy volume leaving some traders angry and frustrated. Read more…


Gone phishing: The business and payments problem that’s growing fast is one of our biggest cybersecurity and payments problems and it’s getting worse all the time. We’ll look today at some of the recent trends in phishing and that includes new attempts on bitcoin exchanges, wallets and cryptocurrency trading. In 2016, the Anti-Phishing Working Group (AWPG) estimates there were 1,380,482 phishing campaigns and Microsoft estimates that phishing costs individuals and business as much as $5 billion annually. Read more…