
The PaymentsNEXT team is a unique, experienced group of business consultants and entrepreneurs with expertise in business startups, management consulting, global financial payment systems, international business development, marketing, social media, and publishing. Our principals have worked with, managed, and consulted to businesses in every sector from technology, retail, and payment processing to multilevel marketing, e-commerce and sales organizations.

We bring this expertise together to build a knowledge base for the payments industry worldwide. With this global perspective on the industry, we’re available to provide a range of high-level consulting services including:

  • payments industry research and analysis
  • special reports and publishing
  • strategic advice at every stage from startup to established operations
  • marketing strategies
  • business and new technology introductions to the industry
  • global payment processing consultation for MLM, e-commerce, and marketplace companies.

Got an idea for a guest post or interested in increasing your thought leadership or industry influence? We’re open to discussing editorial contributions that have strong industry news content and story value. Find out more about our editorial guidelines here.

To start a conversation about the payments industry, special reports publishing, strategic partnerships, sponsorships, and new opportunities, call our Publisher, Douglas G Hall at (604) 901-7646 Monday to Friday, Pacific time.